Apple Conestoga — Electronics Store in Waterloo

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Apple Conestoga

Electronics Store at 550 King St N, Waterloo, ON N2L 5W6, Canada, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 5W6 . Here you will find detailed information about Apple Conestoga: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    9:30 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    9:30 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    9:30 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday
    9:30 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday
    9:30 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday
    9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday
    11:00 AM – 5:00 PM


Based on 6 reviews


550 King St N, Waterloo, ON N2L 5W6, Canada, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 5W6
N2L 5W6

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  • Apple Conestoga road map
  • Apple Conestoga satellite image

About Apple Conestoga

Apple Conestoga is a UK Electronics Store based in Waterloo, Ontario. Apple Conestoga is located at 550 King St N, Waterloo, ON N2L 5W6, Canada,

Please contact Apple Conestoga using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Apple Conestoga opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Apple Conestoga

  • Sebastian
    Added 2016.06.17
    I have I phone 7 under warranty. Having some issue with touch I took it in. Thet took the phone out back and within 5 minutes the manager came out and told me my phone is under warranty but screen is after market that’s not covered under warranty I bought this phone brand new from Rogers store 11 months ago never fixed the guy was rude I paid them over two hundred dollars under warranty phone. If you suspect or know your phone has EVER been serviced anywhere but Apple don’t waste your time going to Apple. They will give you a big song and dance and make you feel like a second class citizen.
  • Aaron
    Added 2015.12.06
    You have to love Apple. They get caught throttling down older iPhones through their ISO and still expect you pay for a replacement battery. Since my iPhone 6 is running appreciably slower than when I got it a couple of years ago I decided to pay the $35 to have it replaced. I followed due process as set out by Apple to have this completed. I set up a appointment with the Genius Bar at this location. When I arrived at the store they tested the phone and they said it should be replaced. Then the Apple store rep said but we have no batteries. I felt it was like a Seinfeld took the reservation but didn't keep the reservation. Why would they have me drive 1.5 hours round trip only to tell me they had no batteries. The whole purpose of the appointment was to have the battery replaced. It was clearly stated in the appointment. When I called Apple 'I Don't' Care customer service line to find out if they were prepared to provide some customer atonement for my time the representative said it's Apple's policy as per Tim Cook not to provide any type of reimbursement to any customer. Really, Tim what about the 200 billion Apple has squirreled away in Irish banks avoiding tax. Maybe you could spare a dollar or two....unbelievable. This one incident has really turned me off Apple. On a positive note I heard Google makes great phones!
  • Amelia
    Added 2015.08.25
    If there is a choice of no Star, I would have picked that. We stopped by Sunday afternoon inquiring about fixing a scratched screen and a malfunctional watch. The staff members we met All told us we will be served when it's our turn. But after I was seated at the desk waiting for a technician, I noticed they kept serving newcomers so I brought this up for their attention. First time they told me I was next in line. Second time they tried to sell this next in line idea to me, I was really pissed off. I showed them the message they sent me half an hour ago saying they were ready to serve me. What's the point of such a message if they were not ready! What's the point of telling me a technician is going to come if he is actually not! The fact is they are confused themselves but they refuse to admit but trying to put blames on the customer. They contradict themselves. One staff member told me other customer got served first because they had appointment before me. The manager readily buffed me off by saying first come first served without me even telling him what's my complaint. How ridiculous! I would never give them any business. and think how Apple would suffer with such poor customer service
  • Nevaeh
    Added 2015.08.18
    We received the most appalling customer service here on January 26th, 2018. On an earlier visit the staff misinformed us about repair policies for scratched apple watch glass. The watch was 3 weeks old. On a previous visit, the staff examined the watch and gave us a quote in writing for the repair. We received compensation from our credit card purchase insurance for the repair as quoted by the store in writing. When we returned to have the repair completed last night, the Manager informed us that Apple does not repair watch faces unless they are cracked, even if you pay for the repair service! He refused to accept the watch for service. He provided an apology but refused to do any sort of goodwill for the misinformation he admitted his staff gave us in writing. Later in the evening we called Apple customer service and they took care of the issue swiftly over the phone to get the repair done, and told us that the Manager provided us with false information. This was the type of service the Manager should have displayed during our visit in store. As a result of this frustrating horrible customer experience, we will not shop in this store anymore and will buy future Apple products directly online.
  • Vivian
    Added 2014.05.30
    Went in after my iPhone 6s qualified for a battery recall. Apple already did a diagnostic test online and I set up the appointment. At the store they made a big deal regarding the fact the screen had been fixed previously with a aftermarket screen. They also wanted to do another diagnostic check. When I objected said it wasn’t necessary they reluctantly agreed to change the battery but said it would take over an hour. I ended up just leaving. Talk about a run around. Bottom line is if your Apple product has ever been fixed elsewhere no sense going to them. They basically won’t want to work on it anymore. Why this store is busy is beyond me.
  • Kennedy
    Added 2014.05.13
    I wish I could give them no star.
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